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Whittier Off-Campus Apartments under $1,000

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  5. Whittier Off-Campus Apartments under $1,000
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Painter Avenue, Whittier, CA 90639


Painter Avenue, Whittier, CA 90639
1 Bed Available Now
0.6 miles from campus
*** Kenoak Dr., Placentia, CA 92831


*** Kenoak Dr., Placentia, CA 92831
1 Bed Available Now
10.6 miles from campus


2 Bed Available Now
11.8 miles from campus
USC CAMPUS AREA, Los Angeles, CA 90089


USC CAMPUS AREA, Los Angeles, CA 90089
1 Bed Available Now
12.9 miles from campus
2600 S Catalina St, Los Angeles, CA 90089


2600 S Catalina St, Los Angeles, CA 90089
2 Bed Available Now
13.4 miles from campus
1353 West 35th Place, Los Angeles, CA 90089


1353 West 35th Place, Los Angeles, CA 90089
5 Bed Available Now
13.6 miles from campus
4301 City Terrace Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90063


4301 City Terrace Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90063
$580 - 1,000
4 Bed Available Now
8.5 miles from campus
(Lg) 12116 Armsdale Ave, Whittier, CA 90604


(Lg) 12116 Armsdale Ave, Whittier, CA 90604
1 Bed Available Now
3 miles from campus
1452 W 20th street, los angeles, CA 90007


1452 W 20th street, los angeles, CA 90007
1 Bed Available Now
13.2 miles from campus
3233 E. Broadway, Long Beach, CA 90804


3233 E. Broadway, Long Beach, CA 90804
1 Bed Available Now
13.3 miles from campus
3233 E. Broadway, Long Beach, CA 90804


3233 E. Broadway, Long Beach, CA 90804
1 Bed Available Now
13.3 miles from campus
752 South Main, Los Angeles, CA 90014


752 South Main, Los Angeles, CA 90014
$700 - 750
1 Bed Available Now
11.6 miles from campus
739 Garland Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90017


739 Garland Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90017
$775 - 995
1 Bed Available Now
12.5 miles from campus
729 S. Union Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90017


729 S. Union Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90017
1 Bed Available Now
12.7 miles from campus

Map of Off-Campus Apartments Near Whittier

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157-NNC Paramount Terrace LLC
13947 Paramount Blvd
2 Bed Available Now
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West Park
600 S. Fernwood Street
$1,895 - 2,395
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4309 S Main Street
4309 S Main Street
1 Bed Available Now
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