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Northwestern 4 Bedroom Off-Campus Apartments

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  5. Northwestern 4 Bedroom Off-Campus Apartments
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520 W Stratford Pl, Chicago, IL 60657
520 W Stratford Pl, Chicago, IL 60657
$955 - 2,850
1 Bed Available Now
6.4 miles from campus
1509 W Fullerton Ave, Chicago, IL 60614
1509 W Fullerton Ave, Chicago, IL 60614
$2,455 - 4,970
1 Bed Available Now
7.5 miles from campus
103 W Chestnut St, Chicago, IL 60610
103 W Chestnut St, Chicago, IL 60610
1 Bed Available Now
9.3 miles from campus
514 N Peshtigo Ct, Chicago, IL 60611
514 N Peshtigo Ct, Chicago, IL 60611
$3,875 - 23,625
1 Bed Available Now
9.9 miles from campus
717 S Clark St, Chicago, IL 60605
717 S Clark St, Chicago, IL 60605
$1,805 - 15,450
1 Bed Available Now
10.8 miles from campus
808 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60605
808 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60605
$2,025 - 11,393
1 Bed Available Now
11 miles from campus
1210 S Indiana Ave, Chicago, IL 60605
1210 S Indiana Ave, Chicago, IL 60605
$2,025 - 15,200
1 Bed Available Now
11.2 miles from campus
1127-1133 North State Street, Chicago, IL 60610


1127-1133 North State Street, Chicago, IL 60610
4 Bed Available Now
9.1 miles from campus


4 Bed Available Now
11.1 miles from campus


4 Bed Available Now
12 miles from campus
7700-7706 N Marshfield Ave; 1638-1642 W Jonquil Ter, Chicago, IL 60626


7700-7706 N Marshfield Ave; 1638-1642 W Jonquil Ter, Chicago, IL 60626
$2,540 - 2,575
3-4 Bed Available Now
1.7 miles from campus
7381-89 N. Damen, Chicago, IL 60645


7381-89 N. Damen, Chicago, IL 60645
$1,950 - 2,700
2-4 Bed Available Now
2 miles from campus
6230 N Kenmore, Chicago, IL 60660


6230 N Kenmore, Chicago, IL 60660
$1,495 - 2,695
2-4 Bed Available Now
3.4 miles from campus
1932 S Sawyer Ave, Chicago, IL 60623


1932 S Sawyer Ave, Chicago, IL 60623
4 Bed Available Now
11.8 miles from campus
Judson Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201


Judson Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201
$1,420 - 2,820
1-4 Bed Available Now
0.9 miles from campus

Map of Off-Campus Apartments Near Northwestern

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2555 N Clark St
2555 N Clark St
$1,776 - 2,788
1 Bed Available Now
350 Inland Dr
350 Inland Dr
1 Bed Available Now
5910 N Sheridan Rd
5910 N Sheridan Rd
$2,379 - 2,690
1 Bed Available Now
770 Skokie Blvd
770 Skokie Blvd
$1,840 - 3,201
1 Bed Available Now
3218 N Clark St
3218 N Clark St
$1,868 - 2,818
1 Bed Available Now
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