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Cheap National American University-Austin Houses for Rent

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  5. Cheap National American University-Austin Houses for Rent
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1711 Rutland Dr, Austin, TX 78758


1711 Rutland Dr, Austin, TX 78758
$949 - 1,699
1-3 Bed Available Now
3.9 miles from campus


$845 - 1,325
1 Bed Available Now
4.8 miles from campus
12403 Mellow Meadow Drive, Austin, TX 78750


12403 Mellow Meadow Drive, Austin, TX 78750
$849 - 1,895
1-3 Bed Available Now
5.2 miles from campus
6301 Berkman Dr, Austin, TX 78723


6301 Berkman Dr, Austin, TX 78723
1 Bed Available Now
7.3 miles from campus
5800 Wellington Drive, Austin, TX 78723


5800 Wellington Drive, Austin, TX 78723
$999 - 1,659
1-2 Bed Available Now
7.7 miles from campus
918 E 40th St., Austin, TX 78751


918 E 40th St., Austin, TX 78751
$899 - 1,500
1-2 Bed Available Now
8.5 miles from campus
200 River Bend Dr., Georgetown, TX 78628


200 River Bend Dr., Georgetown, TX 78628
$1,000 - 1,700
1-3 Bed Available Now
13.4 miles from campus
12166 Metric Blvd Apt 355, Austin, TX 78758-8605


12166 Metric Blvd Apt 355, Austin, TX 78758-8605
$875 - 1,050
1 Bed Available Now
1.9 miles from campus
10607 Golden Meadow Dr, Austin, TX 78758


10607 Golden Meadow Dr, Austin, TX 78758
1 Bed Available Now
3.3 miles from campus
404 Blackson Ave, Austin, TX 78752


404 Blackson Ave, Austin, TX 78752
1 Bed Available Now
6.1 miles from campus
2207 Lawnmont, Austin, TX 78756


2207 Lawnmont, Austin, TX 78756
$995 - 1,750
1-2 Bed Available Now
7 miles from campus
1307 E 52nd St, Austin, TX 78723


1307 E 52nd St, Austin, TX 78723
1 Bed Available Now
7.8 miles from campus
3306 Tilmon Ln, Austin, TX 78725


3306 Tilmon Ln, Austin, TX 78725
1 Bed Available Now
13.7 miles from campus

Map of Houses for Rent Near National American University-Austin

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2301 South Mopac
$1,330 - 3,869
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12118 Walnut Park Crossing
12118 Walnut Park Crossing
1 Bed Available Now
3000 Colonial Parkway
3000 Colonial Parkway
$1,388 - 2,073
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6/3 *West Campus* Walk to UT
903 Shoal Cliff Court
6 Bed Available Now
14324 berning road
1 Bed Available Now
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