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Westminster Studio Houses for Rent

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  4. Westminster Studio Houses for Rent
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1322 W 9th St, San Pedro, CA 90732


1322 W 9th St, San Pedro, CA 90732
Studio - 1 Bed Available Now
Please select Apartment 202 to view photos and details of the unit that is currently available.This is a lovely building in San Pedro's Vista del Oro area, with secured parking. Unit 202 is Available immediately, call for showing...
738 N Euclid St, La Habra, CA 90631


738 N Euclid St, La Habra, CA 90631
Studio - 1 Bed Available Now
4 unit apartment complex close to shopping and restaurants. Centrally located with easy access to Whittier Blvd. Near schools and parks...
2035 Bay St, Los Angeles, CA 90021


2035 Bay St, Los Angeles, CA 90021
Studio - 1 Bed Available Now
-Open Floor Plan-High Bow Truss Ceiling-High Gloss Concrete Flooring-Red Brick Walls-Arts District LocationUnit 107 APX. 800 SF $1,595...

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