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Regency Beauty Institute-Lewisville 2 Bedroom Off-Campus Apartments

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  5. Regency Beauty Institute-Lewisville 2 Bedroom Off-Campus Apartments
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Fox Avenue, Lewisville, TX 75029


Fox Avenue, Lewisville, TX 75029
$692 - 935
1-2 Bed Available Now
2.2 miles from campus
S. Old Orchard, Lewisville, TX 75029


S. Old Orchard, Lewisville, TX 75029
1-2 Bed Available Now
WILLOW RIDGE, A WARM COMFORTABLE PLACE TO CALL HOME. This apartment community has both charm and style with spacious apartment interiors that have been upgraded. Its exterior amenities are something to brag about: covered parking, tennis court and...
3.1 miles from campus
North Valley Parkway, Lewisville, TX 75029


North Valley Parkway, Lewisville, TX 75029
$737 - 930
1-2 Bed Available Now
4 miles from campus
Lake Park, Lewisville, TX 75029


Lake Park, Lewisville, TX 75029
1-3 Bed Available Now
4.3 miles from campus

Map of Off-Campus Apartments Near Regency Beauty Institute-Lewisville

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