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Williamsburg, VA Off-Campus Apartments

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  4. Williamsburg, VA Off-Campus Apartments
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15910 Warwick Blvd, Newport News, VA 23608


15910 Warwick Blvd, Newport News, VA 23608
$1,350 - 1,400
1 Bed Available Now
2903 W Mercury Blvd, Hampton, VA 23666


2903 W Mercury Blvd, Hampton, VA 23666
$1,400 - 1,600
1 Bed Available Now
300 Circuit Lane, Newport News, VA 23608


300 Circuit Lane, Newport News, VA 23608
3 Bed Available Now
3003 Marshall Avenue, Newport News, VA 23607


3003 Marshall Avenue, Newport News, VA 23607
2 Bed Available Now
869 36th St, Newport News, VA 23607


869 36th St, Newport News, VA 23607
2 Bed Available Now
2055 Stanford Lane, Newport News, VA 23608


2055 Stanford Lane, Newport News, VA 23608
$1,855 - 2,650
2-3 Bed Available Now
702 Bellow Way, Newport News, VA 23602


702 Bellow Way, Newport News, VA 23602
$1,460 - 1,865
1-3 Bed Available Now
130 Semple Farm Road, Hampton, VA 23666


130 Semple Farm Road, Hampton, VA 23666
$1,595 - 1,599
2 Bed Available Now
Courts at Yorkshire Downs, Yorktown, VA 23693


Courts at Yorkshire Downs, Yorktown, VA 23693
$1,115 - 1,550
1-2 Bed Available Now
1026 39th Street, Newport News, VA 23607-3144


1026 39th Street, Newport News, VA 23607-3144
3 Bed Available Now
6010 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23605


6010 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23605
$1,150 - 1,250
2 Bed Available Now
100 Banbury Court, Newport News, VA 23608


100 Banbury Court, Newport News, VA 23608
$1,420 - 1,840
1-3 Bed Available Now
3015 West Avenue, Newport News, VA 23607


3015 West Avenue, Newport News, VA 23607
$1,350 - 1,400
2 Bed Available Now

Map of Off-Campus Apartments in Williamsburg

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King and Queen
Scotland St
1 Bed Available Now
Station at Norge
Croaker Rd
1 Bed Available Now
100 Glenburie Drive
100 Glenburie Drive
$1,570 - 1,847
1 Bed Available Now
4375 New Town Ave
4375 New Town Ave
1 Bed Available Now
198 Cornell Dr. NN
198 Cornell Drive
3 Bed Available Now
Colleges in the Williamsburg area
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