Welcome to the Jungle: Large Houseplants for Your Space
By Brittany Loeffler
When it comes to decorating your space, you can’t go wrong with large houseplants. They offer your space a natural and calming atmosphere that wall paintings, furniture, and knickknacks cannot. With large houseplants, you can transform your apartment into an intricate and beautiful jungle-like space. Not only do large houseplants fill up dreaded empty space, but they are proven to increase your happiness just by being in the room. Now, why would you even question getting a houseplant now?
These are some of the most interesting and beautiful large houseplants to transform your space into an exotic jungle.
Elephant Ear
Elephants are some of the largest land-roaming animals, so it’s no wonder this plant was named after them. The leaves look just like the large flappy ears on an elephant. The leaves also have a fascinating pattern on them with beautiful color contrast.
They thrive in filtered light, so you can easily place it near a window that gets a few hours of sunlight during the day. They enjoy having damp soil, so you will have to make sure that you water it quite often.
The monstera plant will definitely give your space the jungle vibe that you have been looking for. This plant is unique in that it is often referred to as the “Swiss cheese plant” due to the holes that appear in the leaves as the plant matures. This gives the leaves a very intricate shape that will create amazing shadows around the room when the light hits them.
These large houseplants are great for spaces that do not get a lot of sunlight. They grow best when they are not placed in direct sunlight. They are also pretty low maintenance and only need to be watered once every week or two.
Rubber Fig
If you do not have a lot of space to work with but still would like some large houseplants, the rubber fig may be exactly what you have been looking for. This plant is not wide but can grow up to 10 feet tall if space allows. It is part of the fig tree family, but don’t expect to pick off fruit from this tree.
The rubber fig is fairly easy to take care of. It needs medium to bright light for just a couple of hours per day. You also don’t have to worry about watering it constantly as it enjoys the soil to dry out over time.
Banana Plant
The banana plant will give your space ultimate tropical vibes. While they thrive in a humid and warm environment, they can still do well in your home. Their leaves are very long, which resemble palms and have a waxy coating. Don’t worry about having to pick off bananas in your home with this plant, though.
These large houseplants require four to six hours of direct sunlight each and every day. So, if you do not have a window in direct sunlight for this amount of time during the day, you may want to consider adopting another plant.
Calathea Orbifolia
If you are looking for large houseplants with beautiful leaves, then the calathea orbifolia is perfect for you. Their leaves are large and round with a gorgeous pattern of contrasting colors. This plant is wider than it is tall, so it’s a great space filler. Not to mention, it is very pet-friendly!
These plants are fairly easy to take care of, especially if your space does not get a lot of sunlight. They thrive in lowly lit environments such as apartments and office spaces.
Snake Zeylanica
The snake zeylanica is another large houseplant that is great for those who do not have a lot of space to work with. Rather than growing out, these large leaves grow straight up towards the ceiling. They are of the succulent family, which means care is pretty simple. Another benefit of this plant is that it will purify the air in your home.
If you are one who easily forgets to water your plants, the snake zeylanica may be good for you as it only needs to be watered once every two or three weeks. It also only needs medium exposure to light, so they do well indoors.
Create a Jungle with Large Houseplants
Decorating your space with large houseplants will never go out of style. They will help brighten up your space while giving it a jungle-like atmosphere. Not only do they help you to fill up space, but they can purify your air while relieving any stress you may feel. There are a variety of large houseplants, so you can find the one that will thrive best in your space. Don’t hesitate to get even more creative when it comes to finding a fun pot to keep it in to add even more vibrancy to your room.