Figuring out the different modes of transportation should be an important part of your apartment search. There are usually multiple transportation solutions available to college students, you simply need to ask the property before moving in.
When you’re looking at your first college apartment, you might be tempted to look only at the fun things: Does it have an exercise room and a pool? Does the complex have great back-to-school barbeques? How close is it to your favorite bar? While all of those things can be important to enjoying your college experience, one thing you may have forgotten to consider is transportation.
Unless your new apartment is directly across the street from campus, you need to know how you will get to campus every day including when it rains or gets cold. Here are a few college transportation related factors that need to be addressed before signing a lease.
Transportation Factors
- Find out if the complex has adequate parking for all the apartments.
- Ask if there is an additional charge for your parking sticker.
- What is the complex’s policy regarding visitor parking? Do they tow or have a designated area for visitors to park? Is there a charge for temporary parking permits for your significant other or your parents if they come down for parents’ weekend?
- If you don’t have a car, ask how far it’s to the nearest bus station. Is there a shelter at the stop for rainy days? Some properties will even have bus lines that go through the community. Many of these lines are free for students as they only require a valid student ID.
- If you don’t have a car, does the bus go to the grocery store?
- If you don’t have a car and your roommate does, never assume you will always have a ride to campus. Figure those things out before you move in.
- Be sure to check out the bus schedule to see when the latest bus coming back from campus arrives, especially if you intend to take night classes.
Do you have any transportation related issues that needed to be addressed? Let us know about them in the comment section below.
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