Living with other people can be difficult. Having a roommate who is a “loud lover” (to put it politely) is borderline infuriating. Should this be your first time living with new people, and should those people fall into the “loud lover” category, you can expect the following evolution of reactions. Preparation is everything!
The “First Night” Reaction
The “Two Nights in a Row” Reaction
The “You Know We Have Finals” Reaction
The “Trying to Be Polite” Reaction
The “OK Bro, You Wanna Go” Reaction
The “Enough is Enough” Reaction
The “Night You ‘Return the Favor’” Reaction
The “Eff it All” Reaction
The “Ugh. Really!?!?!” Reaction
The “I’m Going to Destroy You” Reaction
Have you ever had to intrude in your roommate’s love life? Share your stories with us in the comment section below!