Everyone has heard the phrase “snitches get stitches.”
No, no one on your floor (well I hope they won’t) apply that rule to you if you report them to the RA. But that doesn’t make it your job to be the “safety patrol.”
Everyone is experiencing freedom from their homes for the first time.
There is bound to be a lot of noise and ruckus going on throughout the day and night.
It doesn’t make you a snitch to report something to your RA but it can ruin possible friendships.
Now granted there are some things i.e lighting something on fire, passing out in the elevator that is okay to get the RA for.
But being loud? Leaving laundry in too long?
Cut the person some slack and next time you’re too loud, or leave your laundry in for too long they’ll do the same.
Life is a two-way street.
Something else to consider, there are punishments in college for things like repeatedly being too loud, or being caught with alcohol in the dorm. Sure, they can be as small as volunteering for a few hours but they can also be writing a paper or meeting with advisors.
Consider how you would feel if one of your peers reported you to the RA and then you had to live with them every day.Before you report someone, try talking to them first. Be understanding and work on finding a compromise.
Have any tips on handling a situation like this? Let us know!