You’ve got your roommates and your awesome new student apartment. You have an indelible budget for coming up with rent (not yet? Check out our tips here.)
But what about utilities?
They’re almost always steeper than you’re expecting, and getting them under control can sound like a headache. To make things easy, use the following checklist of money saving utility hacks to lower your monthly bills.
- Check your apartment’s insulation! As the weather gets cooler, the cold can seep into your student apartment through small places. Button up any susceptible areas to keep the heat in, the cold out, and the bills lower.
- Get a draft blocker for your doors. It works the same way as good insulation does.
- Turn off the lights! It may seem obvious, but if you are not in the room go dark. This keeps your bill from climbing.
- Set your television sleep timer. You will fall asleep working or eating in front of the television, let the TV shut itself off.
- Unplug all small appliances and power cords. They can suck energy even if they are not in use.
- Check your taps and toilets. If they leak all the time, get a hold your super. You don’t need to pay extra because the part has gone bad.
- Use water flow restricting shower heads. You’re in college, after all. High pressure massaging shower heads can wait.
- Don’t run the water! Not while you’re brushing your teeth or washing your face. Get the instrument wet and turn the tap off!
What other utility hacks did we miss?