It’s easy to step on your roommate’s toes in most apartments simply because of the tight living space.
In most cases, you’re more than likely adjusting to living away from home for the first time. While shared spaces such as the living room and kitchen are hopefully cleaned weekly with the job being shared between roommates, your room is a different story.
Your room is your safe space. It’s your own little bubble to unwind without having to worry about anyone else’s opinions. But, what happens when your room starts to affect those around you? Yes, it’s possible and it happens more then you may think.
This problem usually arises from one overly messy room and a roommate who means no harm. The roommate normally has no idea how bad the mess is getting until their housemates notice.
To find out if it’s you, look at your roommate’s rooms and then take a gander at yours. Is there a large difference? Do you have a collection of bowls on the floor that is starting to look like abstract art? Does your laundry basket have more clothing inside it then your closet?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, congrats, you’re the messy roommate. Yes, it does matter to your other roommates and here is why.
The smell is probably terrible. Old food has never been known to smell like roses. There is a reason we throw the trash out instead of collecting it. It smells. It also attracts bugs and mold and is just terrible.
You’re probably hoarding all of the bowls/plates/cups without even noticing. If you have your own set then this doesn’t apply to you. However, if you and your roommates share a set then they are probably wondering where all of the plates have gone.
You will run out of clothes. There will come a time when you look into your closet and see nothing but empty hangers and snowshoes. Do not take this as a sign that it’s time to go shopping. Instead, take this as a sign that it’s time to do laundry. You may not think this affects your roommates but the 5 loads of laundry you have to do well.
Keeping a clean room in college isn’t about respecting your roommates, it’s about respecting yourself. You’re almost an adult and you deserve a clean living environment.
Take a few minutes each day and make sure your room is safe, comfortable and somewhat clean.