Managing your Stress Level
Trying to manage your stress level can become quite strenuous, but with some helpful everyday techniques, you can minimize a great amount of stress. Think about when it is, you become most stressed. For instance, if you notice your stress levels arise more during study time, maybe your over studying. Allowing yourself breaks in between will not only bring your stress levels down but will give your mind a cleanse from the constant brain work.
Allow yourself to have some Downtime and Fun
Giving yourself downtime and fun can really stimulate your mind and make you feel rejuvenated. For example, if you have a favorite show that comes on every Tuesday at 9 pm but you feel you’re needing to study for that test you’re having to take at 8 am the next morning you could still allow yourself to watch that show just make sure to study before or after your show or even the day prior your show. That way you have your study time, but you also allowed yourself to do something you enjoy. That will give you a sense of freedom and we need that because if we feel locked into anything we have the tendency to push it away. Allowing yourself to have fun could give you that lively upbeat feeling that you could look forward to. When we have something to look forward to we tend to have more of a positive attitude.
Try to not Compare Yourself to others
We all tend to go through some jealousy at some point in our life. Sometimes we feel people have better clothes, a nicer car, or a closeness with a spouse, friend or relative that we don’t feel we have, and it could cause some jealousy. Jealousy is not a wrong feeling to have and is quite normal. Steering your mind away from that jealousy with these techniques could help ease the feeling. Trying to remember the things in life you do have, and focusing on positive things like the qualities you like about yourself, your talents, accomplishments and the things you feel you’re good at can remind you how unique and special you really are.
You are your best Motivation
Having a motivational mindset can carry you a long way into this world. Telling yourself things like every step is one step less id have to take and anything big always starts out small. Having this positive mentality will keep pushing you to the next challenge and that’s exactly what we need, especially while in college. Getting bored plays a major factor in why people “quit” a lot of things. Without motivation, we would get bored and boredom can lead to depression. Another great motivation technique would be to reward yourself for your accomplishments. For example, if you got an A on a test you know you studied hard for then reward yourself for it, even if it’s a small reward, like extra free time for yourself, or that burger you been seeing on tv you’ve been wanting. Everyone needs some motivation in their life but “you” will always be your best motivation.
Set small Goals for yourself
Setting small goals helps with being organized, which can help relieve stress, knowing that specific thing got done can help with feeling anxious, and could relieve a cluttered mind which could be hard on you when it comes time for class or school work.
Having a positive mindset can be very tough but with these techniques, I feel you won’t be trying to stay positive you “will feel” positive.
About the author:
Kasidy Christian is a licensed Manicurist and mother of 3 boys. She enjoys writing her poems and uplifting people on her motivational blog. She puts her heart into her writing and is trying to pursue her dreams of becoming a freelance writer. Her hobbies are painting, drawing, and making crafts.