Living in an off campus apartment has been great, especially since you have the best roommates! Well for the most part it has been great except for your roommates few habits that annoy you.
In this short clip, these two roommates show some of the annoying habits that each of them have. Do you show any of the similar habits as the habits of the roommates in the clip? Vacuuming when your roommate is trying to talk on the phone, leaving the lights on, and eating your roommate’s food are sure ways to know you are annoying your roommate. We have all had to deal with the struggles of annoying roommate habits, but these habits can be changed with a few easy tips.
Tips on how to change roommates’ annoying habits:
- Talk to your roommate. They might not know they have an annoying habit. This clears the air before a big fight erupts.
- Make a schedule for cleaning. One day you take out the trash, one roommate washes the dishes, and your other roommate can vacuum the living room. This way, if someone doesn’t do their task, you can hold them accountable and your house will end up staying cleaner (hopefully).
- When you are cleaning the house, ask your roommate(s) to help you clean to make the cleaning go by faster.
- If your roommate is always late on helping pay for the electric bill, start reminding them about a week before. This will help save you from those annoying late fees.
- Label your food with your name if you don’t want them to eat it, better yet, have everyone in the house label their foods. Also, have all of your roommates pitch in about $5 – $10 a month for things you all eat like condiments or flour.
Do you have any tips or stories on how to deal with annoying roommates? Share your tips and stories with us in the comment section below!