Living with your roommate’s pet can require a lot of patience.
If they shed, use a litter box, eat crickets, bark, meow etc., the list goes on, but you will have to withstand it all.
The best advice on how to handle this is to be up front from the beginning with your expectations on living with your roommate’s pet. Explain what your exact boundaries are so everyone involved is clear.
Don’t be afraid to speak up. This is your home too, it’s important that you feel comfortable.
Waiting until the animal becomes an issue can lead to more problems. Most pet owners are more than happy to talk about their animal and its life style. They’ll appreciate you asking questions now instead of being made to feel uncomfortable later.
Does the pet live in a cage that requires constant cleaning out? Suggest a weekly clean out so the smell doesn’t get too bad.
Is the pets food attracting bugs? Recommend a plastic resealable container to hold the food.
If you find yourself in a situation where the roommate is ignoring their responsibility as a pet owner, then say something. Nothing is worse than coming home to animal droppings all over the floor and having a roommate who simply doesn’t care.
Living with an animal can be beneficial to your mental and physical health. However, it can also lead to headaches and arguments.
Set some boundaries beforehand to save some trouble.
Have any advice on living your roommate’s pet? Let us know in the comment section below.