Between studying, classes, friends, dates and eating, finding time to clean your bathroom can be hard to do. Instead of harboring that slowly building stressor of cleaning, why not get creative and see what kind of civilizations to which your grime and filth can lead. It can be your very own in-house science experiment.
Here are the top dirtiest places that you should ignore next time you find that you actually have time to clean.
Toothbrush holder
Tapped as the third dirtiest place in your entire home in a study by NSF, the innocent looking toothbrush holder is one of the best places to begin your experimentations. Not only do germs from your toothbrush cling to the holder, but also, because it’s usually left out on the counter, bacteria from other areas of the bathroom land on it.
The Toilet
An obvious location for starting your very own germ colony, the toilet holds many germs. Not only does it hold them, but it also shoots them all over your bathroom. When you flush, the swirling water creates aerosols and launches germs from the toilet bowl onto your surrounding floor, towels, walls, sink and even nearby toothbrush holders, thus, making those bacteria-covered places even dirtier (two birds, one stone, is what I say).
Be honest, it’s tiring to try to hang up your bathmat EVERY time you get out of the shower – all that bending, ice! Nothing works better in creating tiny civilizations than our old friend, “Mold”. The bathmat is great in harboring such grim due to the warm, damp area it creates.
An easy-to-forget place to clean is the showerhead. Researchers at University of Colorado found that showerheads can be a breeding ground for biofilm. Bacteria that builds up overtime and contaminates shower water as it comes out. So while it might not be the best thing for your personal health to ignore, you are attempting to let your bathroom get so dirty that you grow bacteria colonies … so who it cares about personal health.
Faucet and faucet handles
The most-touched are in your bathroom – most likely – the faucet and faucet handles are perfect for transferring bacteria (So, new colonists!). It also has the advantage of being a recipient of the flying toilet bacteria!
Be sure to get good and dirty before your next shower or bath. The bacteria on your body sticks to the sides of your bathtub making it one of the dirtiest (and often forgotten about) places in your bathroom. Not to mention the fact that the dampness will help contribute to mold in the corners of the ceiling above the shower – this is often more the case for windowless bathrooms.
Ah the loofa. It may seem clean (I mean you put soap on it right?), but the dirt and bacteria from your body cling to your loofa. Also, the loofa is constantly damp, making it a stellar breading ground for bacteria and mold.
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[…] where you’re sharing a bathroom with a roommate, the tiny space can transform into a cluttered mess quickly. While the plain white walls of many apartment bathrooms are uninspiring, by choosing to […]