Do you start every Monday with a bank account balance of zero?
If yes, you might want to learn how to budget.
The word budget can be defined as planned out your spending so you don’t waste money and still can afford basic needs. For most students, college is the first time you are the sole person in charge of your budget.
Before you blow your budget and your cash, here are some great ways to budget like the best.
- Plan Ahead for Meals
- Now, this doesn’t mean you have to meal prep but knowing that you will get hungry just go to the grocery store at the start of the week. If you live life with an empty fridge, you’ll spend a lot of money eating out. Try to limit your meals out to just the weekends or twice a week.
- Look for Sales
- If you know that you’re going to go shopping then plan ahead. Focus on what you need and where you can get the best price. Running into a store with no game plan always ends with a giant bill. *This doesn’t just apply to retail, grocery stores have sales too
- Hit up Happy Hour
- Going out at 11 pm is awesome but going out at 7 pm means discount drinks and no line to get in. No one is too good for happy hour.
These are just some starting ideas but they can make a huge difference. Budgeting is hard. It takes a while to get the hang of it.
You got this. Plan ahead, look for sales and enjoy your happy hour deals.
It is college after all.