Moving into your first apartment and unsure of what to pack? There are thousands of lists on what to pack and even lists on what you didn’t know you had to pack.
But, there is a fine line when it comes to overpacking.
Take a day off before you move, if you can, and clean out EVERYTHING.
You’re almost an adult now. There are some things from your childhood that are okay to throw out.
Sure, your mom loved that drawing from when you were five but it doesn’t have to come into your apartment.
Start fresh. Don’t be a hoarder.
Clothes you haven’t worn in more than three years, you more than likely will never wear. Donate them to a good cause and get rid of the clutter.
Clean out your bathroom. Everything has an expiration date. Sunscreen from spring break when you were 12 should have been thrown out when you were 13.
Take a look around your room/bathroom and think about what you want to bring with you in this next phase of your life.
If it’s not going to your apartment and your parents don’t want it then get rid of it.
Moving into your first apartment is a chance to start a clean slate.
You don’t need to save your clothes for your children to have, (yes people do this) there will be clothes available for purchase when that occurs.
Be prepared for what life will bring you. Keep the winter coat, bug spray, and stable footwear and ditch the baby clothes and pasta art.
You don’t need it.
Have a hoarding horror story? Share it below