A good parking spot is hard to find
Some apartment complexes will include parking, which is a HUGE benefit because it saves time and money. Other apartments won’t simply due to location and city codes.
Do not panic if you are living in a complex without parking, it doesn’t have to end badly. Here are some great solutions to your parking problem.
- Buy a city parking permit and park in the street. Sure, it’s not ideal but you’re more than likely always going to find a spot and you don’t have to worry about being towed. Paying a little more now instead of hundreds in towing fees later is a great idea.
- Skip the car altogether, look up bus schedules and Uber prices in your area. This is mainly for the students close enough to walk to class or within a walking distance to the bus stop. You can always hitch a ride with friends to the grocery store if you are stuck this may help.
- Try to buy another student’s spot. This is the most expensive of the options because the students can set the price. You might be stuck paying $100 a month for parking but you’ll have your car with you and be able to get from here and there.
Parking in college is rough. Every day you’ll hear someone complain about how stressful it was looking for a spot or how they had to walk a million miles carrying their groceries just to find a place to park.
If you know that you need a parking spot start your apartment hunt by looking at complexes that offer it included in the rent. You’ll save yourself a headache and never have to worry about getting towed. Have any more college parking tips, leave a comment below!