Although you might love the idea of your cousin or your best friend from back home coming to see you at your apartment, as the day approaches you have second thoughts. With your apartment already packed with your roommates and all of their stuff, you could be wondering how to host in an already packed apartment. Luckily, if you think ahead, you can make it work.
Sleeping Arrangements
Consider taking the couch so that your guest can crash in your bed. Then, they’ll have privacy, which is key when your crazy roommates are around. Another option is to invest in an air mattress that you can deflate and tuck out of the way during the day. Hey, you might even use that air mattress for camping or something one day.
Storing Their Stuff
Make room in your closet so that their suitcase can be tucked out the way. An over-the-door shoe hanger with pockets can provide space for toiletries, jewelry and other items without being in the way.
Introducing to Your Roommates
Even you might have trouble “getting” your roommates, so you could be wondering about how things will go with your guests. Make sure that you talk to your roommates ahead of time so that they know what to expect, and consider setting up a time for everyone to meet. Putting out a simple snack — like fruit or a deli tray with crackers, cheese and deli meat — and opening up a bottle of wine can be a great way to get everyone acquainted.
Hanging Out
You may want to hang out in common areas outside of your apartment for a little more breathing room. Luckily, this is a good chance to show your loved one what your life is like in your college town. Another option is to talk to your roommates about leaving the living room open for a few days while your guest is there.
What crazy things have you done to make space for guests at your apartment?