Making the move from having the cat’s litter box across the house to the closet of my small apartment wasn’t necessarily a positive change.
You learn pretty quickly that if you leave the litter box alone for too long the smell will grow unbearable. Even if you can ignore the smell my cat will start to get annoyed with me and make it clear that he isn’t a big fan of having such a dirty litter box.
Because of all this, you learn that cleaning out the litter box at least a couple times a week is a necessity. But even if you keep the litter box clean just having it there can create a strong smell. Replacing the litter often can also be a big help. If you can find a deodorizing litter that could also help mask the scent.
Some people recommend that getting a litter box with a lid will help to trap the smell. Or you could try to find a place that you won’t be able to smell the litter box very well. For some people, the best hiding spot is in the back of a closet
Another thing is to make sure that you have plenty of air freshener on hand. It is best to keep a healthy supply of spray air freshener around my apartment at all times. The air freshener is super helpful to keep the smell under control between litter replacements.
Have any tips on getting the litter box smell out? Let us know!
About the author:
Kathryn Hill was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She is a senior English student at Sam Houston State University. Kathryn has written for the blog and social media of the educational website Curriculum café.