If you’re struggling to afford rent this month, consider better budgeting, not going out as often, smarter shopping habits, and the following tips for how you can make money on the side without disrupting your busy student life:
Selling Items You Don’t Use
Make some change while you make a change – of wardrobe that is. You can sell your gently used clothes all over the place: Plato’s Closet, Thred-Up, Poshmark, Mercari, Ebay, Letgo, and even Facebook Marketplace. The latter four vendors may of course be used to sell pretty much anything else you need to unload. Old textbooks crowding your limited apartment space? BookScouter compares 38 vendors at once to see which place will pay the most for each one. And no, none of these companies have paid us for these awesome promotions but maybe they should. *wink wink, nudge nudge*
If you’re artistically inclined, Etsy is a really cool way to turn your hobbies into monies. Artisans can make a killing if the work is especially rare or time-consuming.
You’re Worth More Than You Know
No, really. Here is a (partial) list of body parts you are legally allowed to sell in the United States:
- Blood platelets
- Plasma
- Hair
- Sperm and eggs
- Your womb (surrogacy)
- Bone marrow
- Breast milk (I know, I also just found out today)
In addition, you may also sell your guarantee of safety by participating in medical clinical trials, or even rent space on your body for advertising as a walking billboard. People can get awfully creative when they need extra cash.
Brand Ambassadorship
Okay, this is technically a job, so why didn’t I just say “get a job?” Well the cool thing about being a college campus brand ambassador is the flexibility you’re typically given relative to other forms of employment. This allows you the opportunity to make a little money from commission while remaining a full-time student.
Ride-Sharing Apps
This is a popular option for college students who also want flexibility in their side-work schedules. Ride-sharing can also be more lucrative in college towns where designated drivers on game days and late weekend nights are in high demand.
Survey Apps
While you probably won’t make very much, apps like iPoll, Google Opinion, and Swagbucks offer you money for your answers to questions. Such inquiries might regard anything from your lifestyle choices, details about your background, or simply ask for your opinion on a variety of topics.
If you have a blog that gets a sufficient amount of attention, companies may pay your to use and/or promote their products. Depending on your following, you can make a little or a lot of money this way. Beauty bloggers, video game live streamers, fitness coaches, and other YouTube sensations make a killing from advertisements.
Student life is hard enough without having to worry about getting evicted from your apartment for absent rent. If you’re in need of extra dough, give some of these a try!