Dryers can be stressful to work with and figure out.
When your dryer isn’t working and you have nowhere else to dry your laundry it can be hard not to feel like it’s somehow your fault.
But there’s no need to worry. Figuring out the dryer in your apartment can be a challenge, but it’s nothing to get so stressed out about.
One problem you could run into is that the dryer won’t work when you try to turn it on.
It’s important if this happens to the first check to make sure that there’s nothing wrong with the outlet. There could be something wrong with the outlet itself or you could have the wrong dryer for that kind of plug; especially if you’re bringing that dryer to your apartment from somewhere
else. You might also want to make sure that the door is properly closed. If the door is opened even slightly the dryer won’t start.
If you’ve got your dryer to work but your clothes aren’t drying you’ll want to make sure that you have it in the correct settings. You might have accidentally left it on a much lighter cycle that your clothes need to dry. If you live with roommates you’ll also want to remember to check what settings they used so you can change them if you need to.
Another important thing to remember is to take your laundry out of the dryer as soon as possible. If you leave your clothes for too long they could get wrinkly. This wrinkling may also happen if you dry too big a load at once.
Your clothes being wrinkly or not dried all the way doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s anything wrong with your dryer, there may just be a learning curve to figure out how to do your laundry properly.
Have any tips for dealing with a tricky dryer? Comment below.
About the author:
Kathryn Hill was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She is a senior English student at Sam Houston State University. Kathryn has written for the blog and social media of the educational website Curriculum café.