A fire alarm can be one of the scariest things you have to face when you move into a new apartment.
You never know what’ll set it off, and that fear has kept you far away from your kitchen appliances. Maybe you’ve accidentally set off a fire alarm in the past, or maybe your worst memories from grade school involve the loud and unexpected fire drills. A finicky fire alarm shouldn’t stop you from becoming your own Gordon Ramsey. Here are some tips for avoiding a false alarm.
Clean your alarm regularly.
Get in the habit of dusting your smoke detector on a regular basis. When dust or insects (yes, insects can get caught up there) build up in your alarm, it can sometimes sense smoke even when there isn’t a fire. By keeping your smoke detector free from debris, you can avoid many or all unwanted false alarms. For the most effective results, clean your smoke detector every couple of weeks.
Keep fire alarms away from the oven.
If your landlord allows you to relocate your alarm, do it. When an alarm is near an oven, smoke from the stovetop will certainly set it off, especially when your alarm is finicky. Try to keep alarms at least 10 feet away from your kitchen appliances to prevent normal amounts of smoke from causing false alarms. Don’t worry. In the case of a real emergency, a smoke detector that’s 10 feet away will sense the fire.
Replace old batteries.
You should be changing your alarm’s batteries at least every six months to avoid weak batteries. False alarms are often caused by weak batteries, so replacing them frequently will likely reduce unnecessary alarms. Another sign that your smoke detector needs new batteries is when it starts making brief, loud noises for no reason. Remembering to change the batteries may seem like a pain, but having to deal with a false alarm in the middle of cooking an intricate meal will be even more irritating.
When you lived at home, you tried to cook spaghetti in a pan without water, but now you’re an adult (at least mostly). Find a recipe and give cooking a try. It’s a great pastime, and if you follow the steps mentioned above, it’ll be worth it when you no longer have to break your budget by ordering takeout every night. Warning: Avoid cooking hamburgers in a panini grill, but if you must in desperate times, open a window.
Did you know that smoke alarms are more sensitive in apartments than they are in houses, and when one goes off, the entire apartment complex must evacuate the building, even at 2:00 o’clock in the morning? And that’s definitely not the ideal time to meet your new neighbors.
Need any help with your fire alarm? Comment Below.
About the author:
Kate Graham is a Sociology student attending Carroll Community College. In the spring, she plans on transferring to the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, where she will major in Sociology and Spanish with a minor in English. She lives in Carroll County, Maryland, where she works at three different libraries. When she’s not working, she enjoys writing screenplays, performing at open mics, and posting on her YouTube channel