It feels like every day another search engine geared towards apartments or rental properties pops up on the internet.
Between having an individual website, various social media entities and utilizing word of mouth, a lot of property managers question the importance of being on an ILS. And while yes, there are a lot of ways to reach the intended audience, an internet listing system combines all other aspects to offer a holistic view of your property to potential new tenants.
Having an individual website for your property is essential, however, unless possible tenants know exactly where in the world wide web you are, it isn’t a game changer. By placing your property “on the map” or rather on an ILS such as College Rentals, people are able to search for a complex that fits their needs and view yours should it match.
It is similar to a jeweler at a retail store. On their own a jeweler could have a hard time being found and creating a customer base but, if they are placed on the counter of a department store for people to find while looking for an accessory then it is easier to build a following.
This is the same with social media. In properties that target the college student demographic, there is a constant turn over between tenants and that doesn’t assist in building a social media following. Posting to social media every day is almost pointless if no one is following the account used.
By allowing an ILS to house your properties detailed information and attract possible tenants, the pressure to have a constantly updated social media is elevated. Some internet listing services will offer their own social media packages to aid properties in the realm of self-advertising.
The only aspect of property marketing that is not aided by the addition of an ILS is word of mouth. Yet, people will still search for their own apartment even if a specific option has been built up by their social circle. Possible new tenants are also likely to use an internet listing service in this case because some such as College Rentals, will allow them to compare prices and amenities between complexes.
Marketing a property on the internet can be tedious, stressful and time-consuming. Instead of making the internet your focus, allow for an internet listing service to “put you on the map.”
Click College Rentals to learn more.