One of the major undoings for two good friends who become roommates can often be a community bathroom. This conflict can easily be toppled with a few simple rules. Scroll through and discover the oasis that is an operable community bathroom.
The likelihood of yours and your roommates schedules falling into the same time frame is slim. plan ahead and schedule bathroom time so you both can get the proper time you need to be prepared for the day’s endeavors. Once a schedule is in place you won’t have to worry about those last minute complications where your roommate is using the shower before class when you need also it.
Butt Aromas
Smells are going to occur. Instead of being inconsiderate suggest an aromatic spray or candle.
Personal Hygiene
Sometimes, when first released into the “wild”, personal hygiene might become an issue. Just be honest with the roommate. If they stink, they stink. Tell them so in a suggestive way so that they may correct it in a self-productive way as opposed to a guilt-filled way
Have designated placements for your belongings so not to invade each other’s space. Set up a shelving unit for you and your roommate to place your belongings so there isn’t any confusion or complication. The more you designate your belongings ahead of time, the less your issues you’ll have later.
Cleanliness is Next to Godliness
As with most things in a multi-person apartment, clean up after yourself. Say you have to shave, dye hair or clip nails, clean it up. Be respectful and act like a human adult. You wouldn’t want to clean up their shavings or clippings.