It’s officially Spring, and as the weather warms up you can finally start taking advantage of your off-campus swimming pool—the ultimate study break!
Make the most of your time with these pool safety tips
- Wear sunscreen! The research is clear; skin cancer is a direct result of sun exposure, so load up on a waterproof sunblock of SPF 30 or above.
- If you decide to take a dip, first spray some leave-in conditioner in your hair to protect it from chlorine damage. Afterwards, rinsing with a chlorine-removal shampoo will also help remove the chemicals of the pool.
- Give your suit a rinse not a wash. While the washing machine can deform padding, and tangle strings, it’s important to rinse out the chlorine from your suit in the sink to protect the fabric. Then, hang it up to air dry.
- Be aware and respectful of your pool’s rules. Transfer your favorite iced tea from a glass bottle into a plastic cup before heading to the pool. No glass is permitted, because if someone accidentally knocks the bottle over and breaks it, bare feet will be at great risk.
- Drink extra water. Being in the sun can dehydrates you more than you realize. Stay healthy and feeling energized by drinking plenty of water—try adding a little cucumber for extra zing.
- Avoid double-dipping. Allow yourself a more relaxing study break by bringing a magazine or good book to the pool rather than attempting to multi-task by tackling your chemistry homework in a distracting environment. Then, once you load up on Vitamin D, head inside, cool down and hit the books feeling relaxed and refreshed.
These are just some of the ways you can take advantage of your community’s pool. Do you have additional tips of your own? Let us know about it in the comment section below.