Everyone wants a clean apartment but no one wants to spend hours making sure theirs is perfect.
It’s easy to forget or get too tired to clean with everything else going on in your collegiate experience.
But, cleaning doesn’t have to be time-consuming or tiring at all. Check out these hacks for keeping your apartment clean without breaking your back.
- Load your dishes right into the dishwasher. This way they won’t pile up in the sink and it’ll be a lot easier to run. This totally eliminates the chore of “loading the dishwasher”
- Put your laundry bin on top of the washer while you do your laundry so you can just throw your clothes in when it’s done. Also not having your laundry bin is motivation to finish the load.
- Clean as you go, sure it may seem to agitate at the time but this way there is no build up of chores at the end of the week.
- Look for products that can be used for more than one surface. Instead of a tile or wood cleaner and a vacuum invest in one machine that can clean both. It’ll make the cleaning process go by in a breeze.
- Try using Aluminum foil to line oven trays. This will let you use them more than once before you have to wash and speed up the cleaning process as a whole
- Divide and conquer. Try letting each roommate do one small chore each week so no one ever has too much and it’s never overwhelming.
Like most things in college, your apartment can get messy. Have any cleaning hacks of your own? Let us know!