You feel all the bells and whistles of love: the hearts, the butterflies, the rainbows. This could be the one!
You want to invite them over for one-on-one time, but there are some things to consider before you do. Here is a list of at least a few times you really should just go home alone:
1. You Just Met That Day
You don’t know this guy. Do you really want him to know where you live if he turns out to be a total psycho? You’d basically be saying, “here’s the place you’re gonna drive by everyday when I dump you for being crazy.” No thanks.
2. Your Place Is a Mess
If you haven’t taken out the garbage or done laundry in 2 weeks, you shouldn’t invite anyone over. If there are dishes in the sink that are beginning to develop their own ecosystem, it might not paint the best picture. How you keep your apartment is a good indicator of how you are handling being an adult. Don’t trust them if they say they don’t care, because they have to say that. It’s called being polite. Besides, even if they really don’t care, why risk a first impression?
3. They’re Allergic to Your Pet
Sometimes your forget to ask, and that’s understandable if you don’t have any allergies yourself. Still, try not to. There’s nothing worse than making a romantic dinner for two, popping the cork on a champagne bottle you can’t see yourself being able to afford again this year, going in for a kiss and hearing, “Oh my God… Do you have a cat or something!?” [Sneezes in your face.] Simply, don’t invite people with cat hair allergies to a cat hair party.
4. Your Parents Are in Town
I can’t believe this has to be addressed, but it happens. Inviting a love interest over to your apartment when your family is in town is bad for both parties. For your special friend, meeting the parents is already uncomfortable when you’ve been dating for awhile. But they’re not even sure if they “like-like” you yet, and now they’re coming up with excuses to leave ASAP. For your parents it’s both awkward and rude. They don’t know whether to welcome them to the family, ask how long you’ve been friends, or start telling embarrassing stories from your childhood. Plus, how often are your parents in town? Show them you appreciate the visit and let them focus on how you’re doing without dividing their time.
5. Something Big Is Due the Next Day
If you have an exam or a presentation to prepare for, don’t invite them over. Chances are, you’re subliminally using them as a distraction from your responsibilities. If you like them, it won’t be fair to remember them as the girl that helped you fail your Chemistry mid-term. What are you going to do if they overstay? Will you rush them out the door, or are you going to use that as an excuse not to study? It’s better to just avoid that mess altogether.
If it’s meant to be, it will be. Don’t rush a good thing. Take the time to take care of yourself and show that you are considerate of their needs as well.