Luxury student housing is a trend that unique to the millennial generation. It’s a growing, $5 billion industry that’s part of the overall reshaping of the way students attend college in general. Now, college is all a social and developmental process—not just something that is done to get a job.
While the price tag on luxury student housing might seem like a big pill to swallow, it may be one of the best things you offer your student as they move into the world of higher ed.
Here’s our parent’s guide of five reasons luxury student living WON’T spoil your child.
Reason #1: Less stress on the studious. For students who are trying to graduate with a nice fat GPA, many of the opportunities offered at luxury student housing complexes will be right up their alley. Tech nooks, computer labs, wireless access hubs, and late night coffee bars are all a studious student’s dream—and many of them are all available at these new student living facilities.
Reason #2: More focus on health. Gone are the workout rooms with one broken treadmill and a weight set missing half of its weights. Many luxury student housing developments not only have full gyms, but also feature gorgeous pools, saunas, and steam rooms, and even yoga classes. In addition to that, many also have gourmet restaurants in-house, allowing for your kid to enjoy a healthy and well-rounded meal every now and then, instead of subsisting on microwaved Ramen. Your student will have the opportunity to not only focus on bettering their mind, but their body as well.
Reason #3: An environment that inspires. A cursory glance at some of the luxury student housing complexes across the nation brings to mind vacations in some of the most high-end urban escapes across the world—contemporary furniture, granite counter-tops, high-end finishing, and tech-savy appliances. In an environment like that, students are surrounded by beauty and modernity, instead of reminders of Freshman Past and the issues they need to contact their landlord about.
Reason #4: Emphasis on community. With student housing that’s so strongly focused on catering to student’s needs, these luxury developments automatically encourage students to get together. Students are instantly able to meet up with like-minded coeds, all in the familiarity of their shared housing. Whether they’re swapping study skills over a coffee break at an in-house library or lounging by the pool together, these your child’s sense of community.
Reason #5: Professional engagement with management. Many students (and their parents) have horror stories of dealing with poor landlords and/or university maintenance crews—the dorm toilets that stayed clogged for an entire semester, the leaky ceiling in the neighborhood loft that made your closet smell horrible every time it rained. With luxury student housing, students not only experience a better level of living environment, but a better level of management. Letting your kid bypass living through four years of leaky sinks, brown ceilings, and jammed windows isn’t spoiling them—it’s giving them more room, and better room, to focus.
1 Comment. Leave new
Thanks for the guide of five reasons luxury student living won’t spoil the child. But a lot of people can’t study there. Only cares money and luxury in that places.