Living in off-campus apartments is always a popular option for college students. Clever college students around the country invent genius apartment utilizing tricks to optimize their living space. Here are a few apartments hacks you can use to ensure that you’re maximizing your apartment’s capacity.
Apartment Hacks
Use shower curtain hooks to hang up pants in your closet.
One of the first things that you should buy for your apartment is a shower curtain and hooks. The shower curtain hooks are a surprising solution to one of your closet’s worst problems. Hanging up your pants. Pants are notorious for breaking hangers, taking up too much space and just being annoying to sort. A new apartment means you have a new closet to organize. Shower curtains hooks are a great and convenient way to hang your pants without the usual hassle of hangers.
Use magnets to ensure no nails get left behind.
Magnets are very versatile and new apartments often mean the risk of loose nails on the floor. This is especially dangerous in carpeted areas, where the nails are less visible. Avoid this risk by adding a small magnet to the bottom of your hammer, then you can always be sure no nails get left behind.
A glass drink dispenser is a classy way to store laundry detergent.
A glass drink dispenser is a wonderful solution to hold your laundry detergent, while still making your laundry space look classy. You will no longer need those bright-colored soap containers, which will give your laundry space an elegant look. This is a great way to also keep your laundry space neat and clean.
Acrylic-latex caulk can be used to create gripping on rugs.
Acrylic-latex caulk is a genius idea to prevent your new rugs from slipping away. Add a couple lines of caulk on the bottom of your rug (not the floor), when dry, it will work just like gripping. This is especially helpful for door mats and rugs on hardwood floors.
Old books hide your internet router to keep your space neat.
Old books create an inconspicuous place to keep all your electronics and chords. Glue a couple old books together, but leave the back open to disguise your router behind. It’s a wonderful way to keep your shelf clutter free.
Optimizing your space is incredibly beneficial when living in off-campus apartments.
Do you have a neat apartment trick? Let us know about it in the comment section below.
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