You’re moving out of your dorm into your first apartment, this is a big deal. No, it will not be like an apartment from Friends or Gossip Girl but it’ll still be amazing. That being said there are some big changes coming your way.
Welcome to the world of utility bills
This may shock you, but internet and cable aren’t free. Yes, in the dorm they’re included but in apartment living, they require self-set up and possibly multiple phone calls. This doesn’t even include all of the accessories that go into internet and cable. Have you ever bought a router? Cable plan? NO?! Well, that’s all about to change.
RENT and no, not the musical
Living in the dorm, rent payment was a part of tuition that was paid at the start of each semester. Living in an apartment, rent is something that has to be paid monthly and on time. Nothing is more annoying than a late rent payment simply because you forgot to do it.
Goodbye R.A, and hello landlord
Being able to walk to your R.A’s room and ask a question at any time is a thing of the past as you now have a landlord. If you’re lucky your landlord will be easily accessible, and if you’re not then at least you’ll learn how to be assertive. Also unlike R.A’s, landlords have the lay of the land meaning they make the rules so it’s in your best interest to stay on good terms with yours.
Not all of your neighbors will be in college
Though this seems like it would be common sense, it can be one of the hardest changes to overcome. In the dorm, all of your neighbors were also in college, so late nights out and loud music were a little more understandable. Now that you’re in an apartment though, not everyone will be so understanding. Try to keep in mind that a party with loud music on a weeknight may leave you in bad standings with your neighbors.
Congrats, you’re commuting
Most dorms are located close, if not on campus so switching to the apartment life can mean adjusting to driving to class. Plan ahead. Parking is always going to be crazy, there is never an easy time to get a great spot unless you stake it out or take an 8 am. You will probably have to leave a lot earlier for class now, but hey that’s the price you pay for the apartment lifestyle.
Cooking for one
If you were lucky enough to live in a dorm that offered a meal plan then this change is really going to hurt. Delivery is expensive, eating out every meal is almost impossible. You are going to have to learn some cooking skills. Unlike dorm life, apartment living gives you the opportunity to save money and cook for yourself. It is almost always cheaper to eat in instead of going out, you just need to learn to budget. The best advice on this issue is to call your parents and ask for some easy recipes. They fed you for a long time, so they are the best to ask.
Limitless Laundry
This is the best change. You may be getting your own laundry machine. Almost nothing is as life changing as being able to do your laundry whenever you please. You also no longer have to worry about people stealing your stuff from the laundry meal. It’s a whole new world.
Packing for School
No, not packing when you move in. Packing for each day because you no longer live in a dorm on campus. You have to remember that computers and phones die, so pack a charger. Also, snacks, paying for a granola bar every time you get hungry can get expensive quickly so try to plan ahead. Thankfully, you can store all of these snacks in your new kitchen and just bring a few each day.
Signing for your own Packages
Don’t you just love when someone steals your packages?How about when they get rained on? No, you don’t, no one does. Moving into your first apartment means you have to plan ahead when you are expecting a package to make sure it arrives safely. Think of it as one small extra step to ensure you get what you ordered.
Keeping up with the upkeep
Last but by no means least, you have to constantly be cleaning and making sure nothing breaks. Upkeep in an apartment is a lot more serious because you have more to look out for. Carpet, kitchen appliances, laundry machines and bathrooms can all have issues and if you don’t constantly fix them then you will have to pay for them when it comes time to move out.
Before you start freaking out, you got this.
Sure, there are some changes coming your way but you’re in college, you can handle it. Now go enjoy your new apartment, just remember to change the air filters every once in awhile.